Caregiver abuse, also known as nursing home abuse or nursing home negligence, occurs when the employees at a nursing facility are negligent in their care for their patients.  Nursing homes and care facilities are supposed to be support facilities for elderly persons and individuals with severe disabilities.  When a person can no longer care for themselves and their family cannot care for them, the family entrusts a nursing facility with the care of their loved ones.  Unfortunately, caregiver abuse happens to innocent victims who may have difficulty speaking up for themselves.  If you believe that your family member has been abused in a nursing facility, you should speak with an attorney about filing a claim.

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What Cases Do Caregiver Abuse Lawyers Handle?

Caregiver abuse lawyers deal with a specific form of medical malpractice.  In nursing care facilities, the doctors, nurses, and staff members are required to take all reasonable measures to care for their patients.  If the behavior of a caregiver falls below the standard of care for a reasonable person in their profession, they have committed negligence.

If an individual suffers an injury due to the negligence of another, they have the right to file a personal injury claim to compensate them for their injuries.  In caregiver abuse situations, the patients themselves may not be able to speak up and alert their families as to the level of care they were receiving, so it is up to their family members to monitor their care. The caregiver abuse lawyers at Duffy & Duffy can help fight for the rights of your loved ones.

There are many different types of accidents that can occur in a nursing home because of caregiver abuse.  If patients are not checked on and cared for, they can develop bedsores on their bodies.  Residents of nursing homes are also at risk for negligent supervision, which can cause fall injuries and security hazards for patients with dementia and other types of memory problems who may be inclined to wander or leave the facility.  Nursing home negligence can also result in medication errors, which can cause injury, illness, or even death to elderly patients.

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Common Injuries in Nursing Home Cases Seen by our Caregiver Abuse Attorneys

The most common type of caregiver abuse injury is bedsores.  Bedsores form on a patient when a part of the skin that is close to the bone has continuous pressure on it from a bed or wheelchair.  Bedsores often occur on heels, knees, hips, elbows, and the back of the head.

Nursing home residents are also at risk of falling if they are not assisted with walking or are not supervised properly.  Fall injuries can cause broken hips, broken wrists, other broken bones, contusions, and even head injuries.  Injuries such as these are unacceptable, and our caregiver abuse lawyers will fight to protect your loved ones and recover damages where warranted.

When to Hire The New York Caregiver Abuse Lawyers at Duffy & Duffy

If you see these symptoms on your loved one, you should speak with a New York caregiver attorney who handles these matters.  Residents of nursing homes and skilled care facilities deserve competent care from the doctors, nurses, and staff members that are tasked with their medical treatment.

If you have any questions about nursing home negligence, please call one of the caregiver attorneys at Duffy & Duffy.  Our firm can assist you in filing a caregiver abuse claim to compensate for the pain and suffering.

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