Duffy & Duffy specializes in multiple types of medical malpractice, including gastric bypass malpractice, and we can help you get the compensation you deserve. It would be best if you legally handled injuries sustained during bariatric surgery, or you can endure the pain without justice. No one wants to be victimized by any medical malpractice situation, but these situations happen, and you need to be prepared to go to court.

Gastric bypass and bariatric surgery can take a lot out of you physically, financially, and emotionally so if something goes wrong, it can be devastating. This article will tell you everything you need to know about gastric bypass malpractice and bariatric surgeries to help determine if you have a case on your hands.

 If you discover medical malpractice during your bariatric surgery, you should contact us as soon as possible to rectify the problem.

Bariatric Gastric Bypass Surgery Injury

After your gastric bypass surgery, some serious complications can occur. Bariatric surgery is a weight loss surgery that affects your stomach and intestines, so medical professionals must be cautious when operating. For example, an anastomotic leak is one of the most serious injuries you can get during this surgical procedure.

This complication is not the most common, but it’s serious and could lead to death. Bariatric surgeons must execute caution during gastric bypass surgery to prevent serious injury, or you have grounds for a lawsuit. Some people need gastric bypass surgery to shed weight and improve their health. Most bariatric surgeons won’t approve a gastric bypass surgery unless it’s medically necessary due to the patient’s health conditions.

When you go in for surgery, you should never not have to worry about medical malpractice and how it could have long-term effects on your health. But unfortunately, these situations do happen, and you need a reputable malpractice lawyer on your side to make the most of a horrible situation. If you can prove that malpractice occurred during your bariatric surgery and show how it financially and physically affected you, we can help you with the lawsuit.

How Do You Prove Bariatric Surgery is Medically Necessary?

Your bariatric surgeon will determine if your gastric bypass surgery is medically necessary by looking at your BMI, underlying conditions like diabetes and if the patient shows that they’ve attempted to lose weight on their own before considering surgery. Most surgeons will not operate if bariatric surgery is not medically necessary for the patient because of all the potential complications.

The surgical process and evaluation can take your doctor months to determine if you’re eligible for gastric bypass surgery. Unfortunately, many people falsely assume they can get bariatric surgery under any circumstances after people get the surgery. If there aren’t any complications, they can expect to have an easier time losing weight and prevent weight-related diseases like high blood pressure. 

What are Some Common Complaints After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Unfortunately, the healing process after gastric bypass surgery is pretty intense and could keep you feeling under the weather for weeks. Some complaints after bariatric surgery are long-term side effects, and others are short-term. The following are complications you could have after experiencing undergoing gastric bypass surgery.

  • Stomach infections or obstructions
  • Weight gain no improvement in weight loss attempts
  • Food sensitivities
  • Acid reflux
  • Complications with the anesthesia administered during the surgery
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dumping syndrome
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Hernias
  • Blood sugar issues
  • Blood clots

Some of these symptoms are common and expected after surgery, but other symptoms are extremely dangerous and could signify medical malpractice. Your medical professional will discuss the risks you should expect during your gastric bypass surgery before you go in for your procedure.

If you notice any symptoms after surgery, you must talk to your doctor immediately to ensure things don’t worsen. For example, if you have a stomach infection, you need to get on antibiotics immediately, or you could get worse symptoms. Talking with your doctor immediately will also help you detect any other complications you might have after your surgery.

What is the Most Frequent Cause of Death After Bariatric Surgery?

The most frequent cause of death after bariatric surgery is sepsis, which contributes to 33% of the deaths. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that happens after you get an infection from surgery like gastric bypass surgery. Certain demographics, like the elderly and people with weak immune systems, are especially prone to this medical condition.

To prevent death from sepsis, you need to consult a medical professional right away about your concerns as soon as you suspect you have an infection. Watch out for the following symptoms and consult an emergency doctor if you notice any of these issues after your bariatric surgery.

  • Fever, chills, or chronic shivering
  • Abnormal sweating
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feeling disoriented
  • Constant pain and discomfort
  • High heart rate
  • Low blood pressure

The sooner you contact emergency services about these problems, the more likely you will survive sepsis after gastric bypass surgery. This surgery is intense and invasive and handles a sensitive part of your body, so if you suspect anything wrong, you should not wait to see a medical professional. If you wait too long to handle the problem, you could pass away from complications. 

Does Bariatric Surgery Affect Your Teeth?

Bariatric surgery affects your teeth because it raises acidic levels in your mouth that cause your teeth to erode. Also, gastric bypass surgery could increase your cravings for sweet foods that will wear down your teeth. After your gastric bypass surgery, you should visit your dentist frequently to prevent dental issues.

One of the most common symptoms after bariatric surgery is vomiting, and if you’re throwing up often, that will also wear out your teeth and cause dental problems. After you throw up, you should be diligent about cleaning your teeth, so the acidity doesn’t sit on your enamel. Brushing your teeth and flossing daily is the best way to prevent dental problems after surgery. 

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is a weight loss surgery that your surgeon will give you if it’s medically necessary. People who need gastric bypass surgery are obese and usually have underlying health conditions like diabetes. Your medical professional will want you to try losing weight through diet and exercise before they approve you for bariatric surgery.

There are some situations,  where a patient can’t lose weight on their own, and that’s where gastric bypass surgery plays a role. This surgery it’s supposed intended to reduce your risk for cardiovascular conditions, heart disease, and some weight-related cancers. 

Bariatric Surgery or Gastric Bypass Procedure 

Before your gastric bypass surgery, your doctor will give you instructions on what to do the night before because they’ll put you under anesthesia. Some surgeons conduct bariatric surgeries by making large open incisions in your stomach. However, your surgeon usually performs surgery by inserting instruments into small incisions on your stomach.

Your surgeon will cut your small intestine and sew it into a pouch where food will pass through the small intestine. Your surgery procedure will take a few hours, but you’ll have to stay overnight in the hospital so medical staff can monitor your condition. Several complications can occur after a gastric bypass procedure, and doctors need to know how you’re doing immediately after surgery.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is when a medical professional neglects to properly treat a patient, leading to injury or unnecessary complications. The last thing you should worry about when you go in for a medical procedure is something going wrong because of a health care professional’s negligence. A medical malpractice attorney could help you get the compensation you deserve if doctors don’t handle your surgery right.

All sorts of medical situations could result in a medical malpractice lawsuit if your doctor did something severely wrong that caused you an injury. If you suspect that you are the victim of medical malpractice, you should call an attorney as soon as possible because you only have a limited amount of time to take the situation to court. Otherwise, waiting too long to report the malpractice and seek legal representation could nullify your case.

Bariatric Surgery Malpractice

Many situations could lead to a bariatric surgery malpractice lawsuit if your doctor doesn’t advise you correctly or does something wrong. For example, if something wrong with the attachment leads to internal leakage, then you have a lawsuit on your hands because that damage was out of your control.

 Also, if you complain to your doctor about complications after surgery and they don’t give you proper advice on handling the situation, that could be grounds for a malpractice lawsuit. 

Heart problems, bowel blockages, and intestinal leakages could cause severe health complications for you after gastric bypass surgery, and you should not let these situations slide. In addition, any surgery will take a toll on your physical health and financial well-being because surgery isn’t cheap and could cause you to miss out on work.

 If you suspect that you’ve experienced bariatric surgery malpractice, call us today for a consultation with a medical malpractice attorney to determine if you have a case that you can take to court.