A hypoxia lawyer, such as those at Duffy & Duffy, can help families seeking compensation for serious birth injuries, such as hypoxia to their child or newborns. The long term financial cost of supporting a child who suffers from hypoxia is tremendous, and you need to secure your child’s rights within the window of time allowed by law.

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The sad news about these types of injuries is that they are largely preventable. A birth injury can happen at any time during the birthing process. Often a red flag, risk factors or complication arises during birth. It is up to professionally competent physicians and medical staff to address these complications, long before oxygen deprivation and a birth injury occurs.

Types of Hypoxia

Hypoxia is a medical condition where the body, and often brain, is not receiving enough oxygen. The extent of the injury and damage depends on how long the brain did not have adequate oxygen. In a minor case, hypoxia could cause dizziness. In a severe case, cognitive brain damage from oxygen deprivation and even death can occur.

Many different birth traumas and brain injuries can cause this oxygen deprivation. Some injuries occur naturally in adults. Extreme physical activity, being at high altitudes, sleep apnea, and people with lung disease can experience hypoxia. Other instances that can effect oxygen saturation are certain medication, alcohol and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Hypoxia Birth Injury and Medical Malpractice

The complication of a hypoxic and even brain damage event during childbirth is a very serious condition. One of the ways that this can happen is where the infant does not receive adequate oxygen while in the birth canal, resulting in birth asphyxia. Damage to the mother’s placenta, a tangled umbilical cord or infection can also cause a hypoxic event.

More often than not, an attentive doctor can see and diagnose that a child may be in danger of a hypoxic event, and will take quick evasive action to avoid the injury to the brain and other body parts all together. Medical practitioners need to detect these situations in advance and take steps to eliminate the risk of hypoxia. The failure to identify these symptoms and take these steps is the leading cause of hypoxia in unborn children.

The practitioners at Duffy & Duffy, specifically lawyers handling hypoxia cases, often see this tragedy and damages happen needlessly. Abiding by standards of care would prevent most of these injuries.

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Effects of Hypoxia

If not quickly addressed, hypoxia can lead to mental and physical disabilities, and sometimes even death. The hypoxia lawyers at Duffy & Duffy all too often see a miraculous moment in life quickly turn to tragedy by inattentive medical staff.

A hypoxia attorney deals with tragic hypoxia birth injuries, most of which are preventable. A birth injury can occur to a child at any stage of the delivery process. It is up to medical staff to monitor a baby before, during and after birth to ensure their health and safety. Unfortunately, complications can arise, and without quick action by medical or hospital staff, tragedy or even death can strike.

If your child or newborn has suffered from hypoxia or brain damage, you are very likely devastated emotionally and stricken by concerns of how you will care for your child in the future. Rest assured, you are not alone, and we have helped other families struggling with birth trauma in your situation.

What is Hypoxia?

Hypoxia and its risk factors is a condition that occurs when there is an interruption in oxygen flowing to the child’s brain, often resulting in birth trauma. Often the baby may have been in fetal distress prior to birth or suffered a complication that arose during labor. Frequently, lack of care of the medical team during delivery of the baby creates this problem. It is up to the medical team to detect the child’s distress from oxygen deprivation and take quick action before damage occurs.

What Causes Hypoxia at Birth?

The causes of this birth injury are many. There may be risk factors that cause damage to the placenta or an interruption in the maternal blood supply. In addition, bacterial infection or tangled umbilical cord can create this condition and oxygen deprivation. Good prenatal care and a medically attentive delivery of the baby reduce the chances of hypoxia from occurring once a complication has arisen. However, as experienced hypoxia attorneys, we often see medical negligence as the cause of this injury and disability.

What Effect Does Hypoxia Have on the Child?

The severity of oxygen deprivation symptoms will depend on how long the child was without adequate oxygen. The lack of oxygen can cause hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy or HIE. The lack of oxygen causes brain cells to die, leading to the loss of function in certain parts of their brain, causing brain injury. This can lead to the loss of motor skills, cognitive skills or both. Hypoxia can have long lasting effects on a child’s development, which often are not evident until much later.

Contact Duffy & Duffy Experienced Hypoxia Lawyers

It is important to speak with one of our experienced hypoxia lawyers for more information. If your child has suffered from hypoxia, and you feel inattentiveness, carelessness or mistake caused the injury, you may have a medical malpractice lawsuit. Medical malpractice law in New York is complicated, and there are many issues involved. At Duffy & Duffy, we have helped thousands of clients obtain a justice for medical malpractice injuries.

If your child has suffered physical or cognitive injuries due to hypoxia, you may not know where to turn. Depending on the severity of their injuries, the increased medical expenses, therapies, and rehabilitation costs may be significant. It is important to speak with a hypoxia lawyer from Duffy & Duffy to learn more. Come in and speak with a hypoxia lawyer and legal staff from our office to find out more.

Our team of lawyers, including experienced hypoxia attorneys and brain injury legal specialists, understands how devastating a birth injury can be on the entire family. If you are contending with a birth injury due to oxygen deprivation of your child, you are facing a long road ahead, both emotionally and financially.

We invite you to speak with a hypoxia attorney from Duffy & Duffy to learn more about medical malpractice and protecting your child’s rights. Your child may be entitled to compensation for their injuries – with that restitution being essential to their future care.

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