Nursing homes are designed to be a safe and sanitary place for senior citizens that need around the clock care. But would you have ever thought it would be a place where your senior loved one would be in danger? It would be a surprise to many.
This guide will explain in detail on the topic of nursing home abuse. It is also our goal to make you aware that a problem like this does exist. Unfortunately, your senior loved one may become a victim (or may already be).
We will discuss the types of abuse, the common perpetrators, and what you need to do once you confirm that such abuse has occurred. Let’s get started.
Types of nursing home abuse
There are a few common types of nursing home abuse that occur. You want to know the signs to be able to confirm it if you believe your senior loved one may be a victim. Let’s go over the following types of nursing home abuse and what signs to look out for:
Physical abuse
Unexplained injuries are often a sign of nursing home abuse. This includes cuts, bruises, and fractures. It is important that you ask questions as to how the injury happened, when it occurred, and so on.
It may be hard to prove physical abuse at times. Thus, it may be a good idea to look out for any patterns each time you visit your senior loved one. If the injuries keep occurring, abuse concerns are valid on your end.
Your senior loved one should at least undergo a medical examination after instances of physical injury. This could give you confirmation that abuse may have played a role.
Emotional/psychological abuse
While this type of abuse doesn’t have physical signs (aside from signs of self-neglect that could stem from this type), the non-physical signs will range from subtle to obvious. The major one to look out for are any behavioral changes that seem uncharacteristic of your senior loved one.
This may include aggression and fear among others. They may also be actively avoiding members of the staff for this reason. If you notice such patterns, you need to contact management and voice your concerns.
Staff members who abuse senior residents in this manner will use intimidation, manipulation, or even verbal assault tactics. This will occur if a senior resident is struggling with memory or even simple tasks. The perpetrator may even ridicule them for those reasons.
If your senior loved one has been a victim of this abuse, you want to make sure they receive treatment from a mental health professional. You can accompany them to sessions as you are the next of kin and will likely have access to certain pieces of information (so long as you abide by confidentiality agreements). Emotional and psychological abuse will be extremely difficult to recover from – especially for senior citizens.
Financial exploitation
Your senior loved one may still have a bank account in their name. They may also have assets aside from cash and bank cards. Even in a nursing home setting, residents can still be victims of financial exploitation.
Abusers can manipulate a senior citizen to hand over financial information – especially when they take advantage of those who may have obvious cognitive issues. They may outright steal such financial information from senior residents as well.
That is why you need to monitor any financial activity connected to your senior loved one. Be on the lookout for any unexplained transactions. If you notice anything out of the ordinary while reviewing bank statements, you want to notify the financial institution immediately and report any possible fraud.
There may be purchases made where they may seem uncharacteristic of your senior loved one. The sooner you implement some type of monitoring measures in place, the better.
Neglect can come in the form of depriving any resources that satisfy basic needs including water, food, and medication. Such signs can appear in stages. The longer a senior resident is being neglected, the more prevalent the signs will be.
As such, symptoms include malnutrition and dehydration. If your senior loved one is on any medication, they may experience adverse symptoms or flare ups related to the medical condition they are regularly being treated for. You should not waste any time if you spot such signs of neglect on your senior loved one.
This will include filing a complaint with the necessary authorities including nursing home management. At the same time, it is strongly advised that you meet with a lawyer – especially one who specializes in cases of elder abuse and neglect. They’ll be able to navigate through the obstacles and channels that can pertain to putting together a strong case against the facility responsible for the neglect of your senior loved one.
Sexual abuse
This type of abuse can be physical-related due to unwanted and non consensual sexual activity. It may be constituted as sexual abuse if for example a member of the staff presents sexually explicit materials to a senior resident against their own will and consent. As such, it is important to take such abuse seriously – especially if there are any physical or mental signs of trauma associated with it.
Who are the common perpetrators of nursing home abuse?
Typically, the perpetrators of nursing home abuse include caregivers and other staff members. However, your senior loved one may be abused by their fellow residents and even other family members. Regardless of who the perpetrator may be, it is important to make sure that your senior loved one is protected and safe in this kind of environment.
One quarter of elder abuse occurs in nursing homes. Mostly, the staff is responsible for such incidents.
What are the factors that contribute to nursing home abuse?
While there are no excuses for elder abuse, it is important to know of the factors that can contribute to it. Here’s a look at what they are:
Understaffing and inadequate training
A facility must have a competent and highly-trained staff to help assist residents around the clock. Understaffing and inadequate training can increase the likelihood of neglect. Not to mention, it can also lead to serious consequences for the resident including injury, illness, or death.
Lack of oversight and regulations
Nursing home management should have regulations in place to ensure they are hiring the right people. These are people who possess the proper skills and education as essential staff members for their facility. They must qualify applicants and disqualify those that don’t meet their requirements.
Likewise, it is important that they hire individuals who are also trained to perform the necessary duties. Aside from the skills and competence, one thing that is non-negotiable is the amount of compassion and kindness a person has. If they possess it, they will perform beyond expectation.
Because your senior loved one deserves to receive care from staff members who wear their heart on their sleeves. They treat them as if they were treating their own family members. Staff members that don’t do this may have issues of their own – be it inside or outside of the facility.
Communication issues
Effective communication is a plus in a nursing home environment. This includes communication lines set up between staff members and family members of a senior resident, staff on staff communication, and others. It is important to make sure things are clear and easy to understand so mistakes are not being made.
Communication issues can lead to mistakes. Especially when it comes to administering medication to senior residents that need it on a regular basis. Tying this with the issue of a lack of skill and oversight, poor communication will make things worse.
When your senior loved one is in a nursing home, please be clear in regards to things the staff needs to know. This includes medication information, any recent changes in medical history, or anything pertinent that the staff needs to be aware of. Communication is a two-way street and should be exercised accordingly when it comes to the health and safety of your senior loved one.
Nursing home abuse is nothing new. It is also something that deserves more awareness. Protecting your senior loved one will be a priority.
Having a nursing home staff that is competent and caring will ensure no abuse happens. If your senior loved one has been abused, you need to take action as soon as possible. As a member of their family, you want their health and safety to be protected – including removing them from a harmful environment.
Don’t take chances. If you see something, say something. Then take action. Call us to discuss legal action.